Hyperbaric Therapy is a blessing for my children!


My oldest child has been diagnose with Asperger’s and PTDS. He has been showing lots of positive improvements with the hyperbaric oxygen therapy so far: he feels more relax as he feels his brain can assimilate easier the information (studies at school), he has improve his verbal ability to express himself, his social interactions with his friends are better (even his friends have noticed), his body temperature has normalized (he was usually very hot at all times), the overall inflammation on his body has gone down and even his skin complexion has improved too.

My youngest child has been diagnose with MDD and PTDS. She has been showing improvements with the hyperbaric oxygen therapy too, but her gains have been more slowly as her condition is more complex. She is more emotional regulated and more calm, her body detoxification has adjusted very well to the therapy, she will need more therapy but so far her improvement has been steady. Jake’s place has been a huge blessing for my children.

There is no words to express my gratitude for the amazing opportunity you have provide to my children. Thank you so much with all my heart. Thank you so much Annette. 

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