Love, Laughter & Light!

Love, Laughter & Light!

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”  -Edith Wharton Jake’s light reflects through his smile, if you couldn’t tell, and radiates through his family! How do you spread your light? How can you...

Maria’s Story

Hyperbaric Therapy is a blessing for my children!   My oldest child has been diagnose with Asperger’s and PTDS. He has been showing lots of positive improvements with the hyperbaric oxygen therapy so far: he feels more relax as he feels his brain can...

Peter’s Story

I am not sure where to begin as there are so many things I am thankful for because of Jake’s Healing Place that nothing I write on paper seems to express the gratitude my family and I  have for this nonprofit. So, what I will do is tell you my daughter’s...

Emery’s Story

I am not sure where to begin as there are so many things I am thankful for because of Jake’s Healing Place that nothing I write on paper seems to express the gratitude my family and I  have for this nonprofit. So, what I will do is tell you my daughter’s...
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