I am not sure where to begin as there are so many things I am thankful for because of Jake’s Healing Place that nothing I write on paper seems to express the gratitude my family and I  have for this nonprofit. So, what I will do is tell you my daughter’s story and how Jake’s Healing Place is playing a key role in helping her recover. 

My daughter Emery suffered a concussion on June 17, 2020. She went unconscious and once she woke, I noticed she was not walking right, her right foot kept dragging and she would stumble on it. I did all the things I should have done, called her doctor, had her head checked, but her doctors could not tell me if her foot drop would heal or how to help with recovery. Unfortunately, Emery was also diagnosed with autism and speech delay on February 01, 2021 after she had a high fever. Between her concussion and autism diagnosis, I knew I had to find a way to help her recover and western medicine was not the answer since the doctors would be standing at the door to exit about 15 minutes after her appointment started. 

I started researching hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) and the benefits that could come after treatments. I knew in my heart that Emery needed HBOT.

I reached out to Jake’s Healing Place a non-profit 501 C3, that helps special needs children, adults and veterans to receive hyperbaric oxygen therapy for brain injuries, PTSD, TBI, strokes and wound healing, as well as providing equipment. I completed an application and Emery was granted financial help to receive HBOT! 

I was working full-time, had a eleven-month-old baby, and an 8-year-old daughter that was doing online school due to the pandemic which did not make going for HBOT treatments easy. Regardless of how hard it was on my end, I promised Jake’s Place that I would take her 6 days a week for 40 treatments. 

We started HBOT on April 10, 2021 and by treatment 18 Emery’s foot was no longer dropping! I was in shock and so excited for her. At the end of her 40 treatments, Emery had some eye contact again, able to sleep through the night, and started to repeat words. 

Jake’s Healing Place has continued to help my daughter to receive HBOT and we are so grateful because she is now seeking attention, plays with her old sister, her receptive language is growing day by day, plus so many other positive changes!

Jake’s Healing Place, and the people behind the non-profit, mean so much to me and my family for all the help they have provided Emery. I would hate to think where Emery would be today without the help she has received from Jake’s Healing Place. 

One day I can only hope to help someone like Jake’s Healing Place has done for us and so many others. 


Michele K. 

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